Looking for a simple guide to Mediterranean eating and the Mediterranean diet? The Mediterranean Dish is honored to collaborate with Mother Earth News and many experts to bring you this special magazine issue: Mediterranean Eating.

The magazine is available for purchase at our online store or look where magazines are sold, including Barnes and Nobles. 

Enter our giveaway below for a chance to win a free copy!

Mediterranean Eating | Special Magazine Issue on the Mediterranean diet and Mediterranean lifestyle. Great Mediterranean recipes; the Mediterranean diet pyramid; living the Mediterranean lifestyle; how to buy olive oil and more!

I am so humbled and honored to collaborate with Mother Earth News to bring you this special magazine issue: Mediterranean Eating.

This special project has been in the works for quite some time, and I’m so glad to see it come to fruition in such a beautiful and meaningful ways, and I know it will be helpful to many.

Mediterranean Eating is a great resource for anyone seeking to follow the Mediterranean diet. This special issue includes many of my own recipes (and recipes from others); a guide to the Mediterranean diet pyramid; practical Mediterranean living tips–including, how to buy olive oil; herbs and how to grow them; heart-health and brain boosting tips; exercise for every decade…and more!

I highly recommend grabbing a coup of Mediterranean Eating! It’ll be a guide you reference often.

Where to buy a copy of Mediterranean Eating

Grab a copy of Mediterranean Eating at our online store here. Or, look where magazines are sold (Barnes and Noble; Sam’s Club and some Kroger-owned stores do carry this issue.)

Today, through the weekend, you can enter for a chance to win a free copy…


5 lucky winners will be randomly selected to each receive one copy of Mediterranean Eating (a special issue by Mother Earth News).

USA residents 18 years or age or older may enter. Please read Terms & Conditions section before participating.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

More Resources:

Must-Have Mediterranean Spices

7 Ways to Follow The Mediterranean Diet

5 Basics of The Mediterranean Lifestyle: A Mediterranean Girl’s Perspective

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Bundle of Early Harvest and Private Reserve by The Mediterranean Dish


Visit The Mediterranean Dish Store

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I’m Suzy; born and bred right on the shores of the Mediterranean. I’m all about easy, healthy recipes with big Mediterranean flavors. Three values guide my cooking: eat with the seasons; use whole foods; and above all, share! So happy you’re here…
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  1. Rosemary says:

    Hi Suzy, sometime ago i remember subscribing to your newsletter. Our laptops and phones were completely cleared by a very good computer expert and we lost all our data. Slowly I am rebuilding my database and wondered whether you still do the newsletter, and if i remember correctly it also had a wonderful free e- recipe book which could be downloaded, is it still available? From next week we are planning to switch to mediteranean cooking and starting with a 7day diet plan.
    Many thanks
    Rosemary de Bruijn
    South Africa

    1. Suzy Karadsheh says:

      Hey Rosemary. Thanks for checking in! Yes, I still do a newsletter with new recipes and a weekly meal plan e-mail. Would love for you to subscribe again! You can use this link to subscribe: http://eepurl.com/bEH85v Or you can head to the homepage, and you’ll see a box prompting you to join us. And once you subscribe, you should receive an email to confirm and from there our free e-cookbook. Thanks!!!

  2. Supriya Kutty says:

    Mediterranean foods are the best food to make they are so much healthy and also keep you fit throughout the day thanks for it.

  3. Anna Edwards says:

    Hello Suzy! I picked up the Mother Earth News as I usually do at my local store. I had been given an oral recipe for the fatoosh salad by a Lebanese homemaker 20+ years ago and have been eating it for years with grilled chicken. Now I can expand my knowledge with the help of this site and the magazine that led me here. Thank you so much for writing this article and sharing your knowledge!

    1. Suzy Karadsheh says:

      Anna, thank you so much! I am so glad you found the magazine issue helpful…and I’m glad it lead you here. Welcome to The Mediterranean Dish community!

  4. Lucy says:

    Wow, what a great find x want to cook it all, wish all the recipes were in a book xx

    1. Suzy Karadsheh says:

      Thanks, Lucy! Hopefully we will be able to produce a book in the near future.